
Utilities for creating single-value contour surfaces filtered from a 3D mesh


calculate_pontryagin_thom_surface(mesh, vectors_name)

Calculate angles for Pontryagin-Thom construction

make_smooth_contour_func(mesh, n_iter)

Make a callable that applies Pyvista's contour filter to a mesh,

update_isosurface(plotter, mesh_name[, dataset_name, ...])

Create, or alter and re-apply, a filter formula for a contour filter.

Module Contents#

calculate_pontryagin_thom_surface(mesh, vectors_name, normal_dir=None, theta_key=None, phi_key=None)#

Calculate angles for Pontryagin-Thom construction

For vector array named vectors_name defined on mesh, calculates angle data for the vectors relative to a reference direction normal_dir, for use in making a Pontryagin-Thom surface.

  • mesh (pyvista.DataSet) – PyVista mesh containing the orientation field vectors.

  • vectors_name (str) – Name of vector array in mesh.

  • normal_dir ([int, int, int], optional) – Normal direction in orientation-space.

  • theta_key (str, optional) – Name to give calculated array of polar angles between the orientation field and normal_dir.

  • phi_key (str, optional) – Name to give calculated array of azimuthal angles of the orientation field about the normal_dir axis, with an arbitrary zero.


Keys for scalar arrays containing the calculated polar and azimuthal angles, respectively, of the orientation field relative to the given normal direction.

Return type:

str, str

make_smooth_contour_func(mesh, n_iter)#

Make a callable that applies Pyvista’s contour filter to a mesh, and smooths the result with the smooth filter.

  • mesh (pyvista.dataset) – Mesh from which to calculate contour.

  • n_iter (int) – Number of smoothing iterations.

Return type:


update_isosurface(plotter, mesh_name, dataset_name=None, contour_values=None, **contour_kwargs)#

Create, or alter and re-apply, a filter formula for a contour filter.

  • plotter (open_viewmin.FilterTreePlot)

  • mesh_name (str) – Name of isosurface mesh to update.

  • dataset_name (str or None, optional) – Name of scalar dataset from which to calculate isosurface. Pass None to keep existing dataset name.

  • contour_values (float, list of floats, or None) – Contour value or values. Pass None to keep existing value (defaults to 0.5 if current value is not defined).

  • contour_kwargs (dict or None, optional) – Keyword arguments to pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh


Updated filter formula for isosurface

Return type:
