open_viewmin.filter_tree_plot.utilities.mpi_stitch ================================================== .. py:module:: open_viewmin.filter_tree_plot.utilities.mpi_stitch .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Utility to merge data from separate files for a single scene, such as from an MPI run Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: open_viewmin.filter_tree_plot.utilities.mpi_stitch.mpi_group open_viewmin.filter_tree_plot.utilities.mpi_stitch.mpi_stitch Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: mpi_group(filenames) Check whether some filenames come from the same MPI run (formatted as same_prefix_x#y#z#.txt) and if so, stitch them together using `mpi_stitch()`. :param filenames: Names of existing data files. :type filenames: list of str :returns: Names of new output files containing combined data. :rtype: list of str .. py:function:: mpi_stitch(in_filenames, out_filename=None) Stitch together a set of data text files from an MPI run into a single file with the proper ordering of lines for use by openViewMin. First three columns must be x y z coordinates. :param in_filenames: Names of existing data files. :type in_filenames: list of str :param out_filename: Output filename. Pass `None` to skip writing to file. :type out_filename: str or `None` :returns: Ordered, combined data. :rtype: numpy.ndarray